If you are in need of housing, behavioral health, or other KYC services,
or if you are looking to refer an individual:
or if you are looking to refer an individual:
Our Community Based Wellness Programs
HousingA program that helps young people 18 - 24 prevent or quickly exit homelessness and enter into safe, stable housing.
Assistance is offered without preconditions; and resources and services provided are responsive to unique individual needs. Housing options include Rapid Re-Housing, Supportive Co-Housing, and Emergency Housing. *Funding for Rapid Re-Housing through the Ohio Attorney General's Victims of Crime Act* |
Behavioral HealthOur behavioral health program centers holistic health and wellness opportunities for youth, such as "Wellness Wednesday" which focuses on therapeutic activities like gardening.
Plus, we're proud to offer free individual and group therapeutic sessions for young people ages 16 - 24. |
"...I feel like Kaleidoscope was there to save me...”
- Waverly, Rapid Re-Housing
Preventing and Disrupting Youth Homelessness
We've expanded our programs to decrease the risk factors that lead to homelessness and housing insecurity, especially among queer youth, in Central Ohio.
A 'Housing First" Model
We use a low barrier approach that provides supportive, independent, and affordable housing as quickly as possible for young people experiencing homelessness. We additionally offer supportive services and connections to community-based resources needed to maintain housing
and avoid returning to homelessness.
and avoid returning to homelessness.
At least 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQIA+, compared to this demographic making up only 7% of the general population.
(Source: True Colors United) |
1 in 3 trans people have been turned away from shelters due to their gender identity.
Queer youth are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than their non-LGBTQIA+ peers. Of that, majority are forced out of their homes or run away due to family rejection or familiar abuse.
Your support matters!
A gift to KYC today will uplift the voices of LGBTQ+ youth and help KYC advocate for safer and inclusive places everywhere.
Monetary support is vital,
but there are other ways you can support our young people...
Contact Your RepsTell your state and local reps that you support safety net programs like KYCs that help prevent homelessness in Columbus.
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"...to finally have housing stability is an amazing feeling.”